Finished Object Friday – The Dog Days Are Over!

To clarify, I’m referencing this song, not indicating that I’m all done knitting dogs (although I may shift my attention back over to other animals, in the immediate future, in the interest of restocking my shop). In the long run though, my dog knitting journey has only just begun. In the future, I’m hoping to expand my selection to include breeds other than the Golden Retriever / Labrador Retriever body type. Right now, I’m just extremely psyched to have completed the written comprehensive exam for my graduate program. The test has been hanging over my head all summer, so finally, now that it’s over, I can really relax and enjoy the rest of my summer vacation – that is, today, tomorrow, and Sunday. (Classes start on Monday!) The dog days are over – time to have some fun!


But first, I’ll tell you about this guy. Earlier this week, a few days before my big test, I finished sewing him up. I’ve been calling him Fred, in my head. What do you think?


He proved to be quite challenging to sew up, mostly because the yarn that he is made out of (Lion Brand Landscapes) pulls apart when stressed stretched. After fighting with it for a bit, I switched over to a more rugged acrylic yarn to finish my seaming.


However, the whole experience made me question – not for the first time – if there’s a better way to construct these stuffed animals that would require less hand sewing. And… I’m working on devising a possible solution. So, stay tuned for more information on that.


Anyway, this guy is quite fuzzy (this yarn definitely has that “halo” effect) and his coat even sheds a little – just like a real dog! These properties, along with the fact that the yarn has a really nice shine to it and a very rich color, make him hard to photograph. I did what I could with the limited lighting options I had, but now that the test is over, I’ll be able to spend more time on a better photoshoot.


I’m going to wait until I have better photos before I list him on Etsy, but soon, he will be up for adoption on my shop!

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